Who is Papa Emeritus I?

Opus Eponymous was the band's first album. As such, this album is associated with Papa Emeritus I, who was the frontman at the time. Despite all this time, and the changes the band has gone through, this album still goes really hard! Some of my favorite songs from it are Ritual, Genesis, and Elizabeth. In Rite Here Rite Now, they played Ritual and Con Clavi Con Dio from this album.
Papa Emeritus I was assissinated along side his brothers during a game of Uno. It appears he may have been winning because his brothers threw all their cards at him. Or maybe they were just bullying the old man, which would also be really in character. Unfortunately, this is kind of all I really have to say about Primo, since I most of what I know is from second hand fandom opinions. Some of those being that he like to garden!